01 October 2016

Unexpected update

Dear All

This is an unexpected news update from us ... but as you read on, you will understand. It is something we emailed out earlier this week to those who receive our regular blurb updates, but we realised that we also have people who only follow our adventures via Facebook and/or blog updates.

The week before last, Mark went to the doctors with a small lump on his ankle that has been growing. The doctor first thought it was just a cyst but when he went to drain it, discovered that it was solid and was therefore something potentially more serious. The doctor did a biopsy on it and we got the results on Monday (Sept 26th). The initial results indicate that it is a rare form of sarcoma (tumor) but we are still waiting on the final test results. Mark is also waiting to have a CT scan and other tests over the next couple of weeks to make sure it hasn't spread anywhere else. We have also had confirmation of another consultation with the specialist on October 18th when all the results etc will come together and we will know how to move forward.

The specialists we are seeing are based in Cairns Hospital (an hours drive) and have been great so far but if it is a confirmed sarcoma, Mark will have to travel to Brisbane to have it removed (with 5-7 days recovery in the hospital as they would also have to do some kind of skin graft). While Brisbane is still in the same state (Queensland) it is actually a 3 day drive from here, or just over 2 hours flight, so if this is how the treatment moves forward it will have a lot of issues for us as a family, which we have started to discuss with our family back in the UK and a couple of friends here.

Apart from time out for testing, Mark is still fit and able to go to work, but as the lump has got so big, he won't be able to wear work boots, just flip-flops (thongs). We will be discussing this with management in the hangar next week. Mark has had a medical certificate for this past week as we process it all and have been attending the initial round of appointments. Some of our good friends have been having a blast with the girls over the last couple of days while we have been out ... it's the school holidays here at the moment, so our friends have been a real blessing.

As you imagine we are still processing all this ourselves and it's been an emotional roller coaster, which doesn't feel like it will be slowing down anytime soon. Our local doctor is a Christian and prayed with us after he gave us the initial news and our pastor here has also been looking out for us too, as have the handful of friends here who we told initially, in order to get to medical appointments etc.

The last couple of years have been particularly tough for us, so we're currently a little bit floored by this latest development when we don't feel like we're up to full strength to deal with it ... having said that, we are now grateful that our time in Tanzania was cut short so that we are here in Australia, with access to such quick and specialised treatment and we do know that God is greater than this. At this stage it could be something very straight forward to deal with ... but while we don't know, it's difficult not to second guess possibilities.

We just ask for your prayers to carry us through at this time ... especially in these next few weeks while we're waiting for specific information! As you will understand, we can't promise that we will be able to reply to any messages individually at this time.

Mark and Jenny xxxx

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