09 November 2016

A Final Update!

So yesterday we had a phone call ... one we have been waiting for!

The specialist from Cairns called to tell us that Mark had a benign tumour on his foot, absolutely nothing sinister to report and that the margin of 3mm that they have already cut out was sufficient. So the roller-coaster that we have been riding these last couple of months is finally and completely 100% OVER!

God has definitely been busy answering our prayers in so many ways, that's for sure!

Unbelievably, it all started on September 20th with Mark's first trip to the doctors, exactly seven weeks ago to the day we got the all clear! We have been very impressed with how well and quickly the doctors and specialists have dealt with it all out here ... but it has honestly felt like the longest seven weeks ever! 

Mark has been back at work but is yet to return to the hangar floor and wearing his work boots again. We hope the wound on his foot, which has been healing well, will soon allow him to return to 'normal' duties very soon! 

We just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you for praying with us and for us, for the messages of encouragement that you have been sending and for the stories that you have been sharing with us of your own struggles too.

To be honest, the news hasn't really sunk in yet and we feel like we're emotionally exhausted from everything that has been going on, but we now know that we can close the door on this part of our 'adventure' and move forwards, which is such a huge blessing for us as a family!

Much love from all of us! xxxx

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